Thursday, 23 May 2013

Temporality ...

Oxford Dictionary (2013) Definition of temporality

noun (plural temporalities)

  • 1 [mass noun] the state of existing within or having some relationship with time:like spatial position, temporality is an intrinsic property of the object
  • 2 (usually temporalities) a secular possession, especially the properties and revenues of a religious body or a member of the clergy:proposals were put forward in Parliament for appropriating the temporalities of the clergy

    Time - how we calculate the distance from one memory to the next

    Future - a memory that has not happened yet

    What about time travel...

    La Jetee (1962)
    Diacorto. (2012).

    The 1962 film by Chris Marker is a science fiction genre and consists of a montage of photographs using a Pentax camera and thus creating a photo novel. The only part of the film that uses moving image is a minute part of the film that shows a woman's eye blinking. The film suggests that a memory is a fragment in time that is twice lived. The film is about time travel and focuses on a World War 3 survivor who is able to withstand the effects of time travel. He has an obsessive memory of a woman whom he saw the day that he witnessed a man die. His time travelling sees him repeatedly meet the same woman but he is now a man not a boy. The pair seem to develop a relationship together. The film ends with the man returning to the original scene but it reveals that he is the man that was killed.The film has heavily influenced other films such as 'Twelve monkeys' in 1995, and 'The Time Traveler's Wife' in 2009 which both focus on the aspect of time travel.

    hitfixcom. (2009)

    'The Time Traveler's Wife' in particular focuses on the relationship between two people whereby one is involved in time travel and the other is not. This can also clearly be seen in 'La Jetee'  as the relationship develops between the man and the woman. The films are also similar as they both show the time traveler witnessing their own death.

    Graphic Portrayals of the Temporal
    David Hughes 'Walking the Dog'

    David Hughes. (2009). 

    Consists of:

     diary entries
    childhood memories (holidays in Brighton)
    today I'm wearing...
    drawing from memory

    The book is drawing from the temporal, he is reliving his memories in the book.

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